June 16, 2015

Avocado Could help Fight CANCER & Fat from the Fruit targets LEUKAMIA Cells and Stops them Growing'

Avocado is a healthy form of fat. But now, scientists believe avocados could help in the fight against cancer.  
A new study has revealed fat from the creamy fruit can combat acute myeloid leukaemia (AML), a rare but deadly form of the disease.
Fat molecules from avocado tackles leukaemia stem cells, which are the root of the disease, as they grow into abnormal blood cells, Canadian researchers said.
Worldwide, there are few drugs that tackle leukaemia stem cells.

In light of the findings, the researchers hope to create an avocado-derived drug they say could one day significantly increase life expectancy and quality of life for AML patients. AML is a devastating disease and proves fatal within five years for 90 per cent of people over the age of 65.
The researchers discovered the fat molecule from avocados, called avocatin B, is able to stop this process, targeting stem cells so healthy blood cells are able to grow.
Source: Dailymail.com


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