May 12, 2015

Man who Shot at George Zimmerman uses 'stand your ground' Defense During A Road Rage

George Zimmerman was shot by a motorist in Florida after a road rage on Monday but suffered significant injuries and  and has since been released from the hospital.

You will recall that Zimmerman was  acquitted in 2013 of murdering an unarmed teen Trayvon Martin.

Guardian UK reports that a bullet missed Zimmerman’s head and he was sprayed with glass from his vehicle’s windshield.

Matt Apperson who shot Zimmerman, last year told police that Zimmerman had threatened him with a gun during a road rage incident and then contacted police two days later to report that Zimmerman was outside his workplace.

Liza Apperson (pictured with Apperson) defended her husband after Monday's incident saying 'the truth will prevail'.

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