May 12, 2015

Bangladeshi Blogger Hacked to Death for Being Critical of Islam

Ananta Bijoy Das


Ananta Bijoy Das, 32, an atheist Bangladeshi blogger who expressed views critical of Islam, was hacked to death on Tuesday morning, as he left his home on his way to work at a bank.
The incident occurred in the northeastern Bangladeshi city of Sylhet, CNN reports. Four masked men attacked him, hacking him to death with cleavers and machetes. They ran away after their evil act.
Reports state that the incident is the third of its kind that has occurred this year, in which someone was killed for online posts critical of Islam.
Das has been described as having “a deep and courageous interest in spreading secular & humanist ideals and messages in a place which is not only remote, but doesn’t have even a handful of rationalists.”
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