December 9, 2014

Sign post by Missouri bar owner 'Michael Brown special' - six shots for $10 caused Outrage

Jokers!! The owners of Mug Shots bar in St Joseph, Missouri, put up a sign on Friday advertising the offer  of a deal of six shots for $10 - naming it the 'Michael Brown special'. Lol!

And 6 references the number of times the unarmed teen was shot by officer Darren Wilson causing outraged.
According to the Kansas City Star, a worker at the bar wrote: 'Just wanna thank everyone who is going on about our shot special. Its just giving us free publicity. 
'Everyone will know where the cheapest drinks are now. It also shows everyone that we believe our slogan, "where sarcasm is always free."
The sign was initially posted online on Saturday, along with the comment saying the bar owners 'might not have a functioning brain'.
The sign quickly drew criticism, with some Twitter users branding the bar 'racist', while user Randall G branded the stunt 'bizarre and disgusting', and another called Paula asked: 'What the f*** is wrong with people?' 
Around 20 protesters gathered outside the bar on Saturday, and the sign was later removed, and replaced with one mocking the owners.


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