December 24, 2014

ISIS Shot down a US-led coalition Warplane over northern Syria and Captured its pilot

Islamic State terrorists have shot down a Jordanian warplane from the US-led coalition over northern Syria and have captured its pilot. CBS News reports.
'We have confirmed reports that IS members took a (non-Syrian) Arab pilot prisoner after shooting his plane down with an anti-aircraft missile near Raqa city,' the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Wednesday.

The Isis branch in Raqqa published photographs on jihadist websites showing its fighters holding the captured pilot and naming him as Mu'ath Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh from Jordan. Mu'ath Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh who was born on May 29, 1988 according to RMC posted photograph of the Jordanian military identity card of the pilot.
The Raqqa Media Center (RMC), that covers areas under IS control in Raqqa, published a photograph of the pilot who appeared wearing a white shirt as he was surrounded by 11 fighters, some of them masked.
Another photograph published by the group showed the man - naked from the waist down and soaking wet - being captured by three gunmen as he was taken out of what appeared to be a lake.

It is said to be the first time a warplane has been shot down by the group since the U.S.-led coalition began its airstrikes against the group in Syria three months ago that has killed thousands of ISIS members.

In Jordan, the pilot's cousin Marwan al-Kaseasbeh confirmed by telephone with The Associated Press that the photos are of his cousin. He added that the Jordanian government has so far not contacted the pilot's family.
'Jordan holds the group and its supporters responsible for the safety of the pilot and his life,' an army statement read on state television said. 

US govt are yet to make statement on the incident.
#Honestly, anyone venturing into a fight with the Islamic group should know he or she is signing automatic death sentence should he/she be caught or hit with missiles. Its a 50/50 gamble#


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