December 24, 2014

Florida Surpasses New York as Third-most Populous State in the U.S

Not surprising  that Americans are forsaking the freezing,  hustle and bustle of New York for the wacky shore of the Sunshine State. Lol!
Florida has overtaken New York as the third most populous state in the United States, the Census Bureau has revealed.  
According to figures released Tuesday show that Florida has at least 19.9 million residents. The number is likely higher because the Census uses the population as of July 1 to create its estimate. While New York had 19.7 million residents.
Florida added almost 300,000 new residents from 2013 to 2014, or a little more than 800 new residents a day. By contrast, New York grew by only 51,000 over that time period.

Credit: UKMailonline

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