October 12, 2015

Meet the US Couple who Give Away $100,000 a Year of Their Income 'to whoever needs it most'

Julia Wise and Jeff Kaufman live on six percent of their income to give away $100K a year
 Julia Wise and her husband, Jeff Kaufman (main picture)

True giving indeed. Massachusetts couple who committed to living only on six per cent of their combined income so they can give $100,000 a year to charity. Since 2008, Julia Wise and her husband, Jeff Kaufman, pictured left, have donated a comparable percentage of their income every year.

The couple has been married since 2009 and view the money they earn as belonging 'to whoever needs it most.' 
'Every dollar I spend is a dollar out of the hands of someone who needs it more than me. I’ve always felt that way,' Wise explains in a Bolder Giving blog post. 

'I was lucky enough to find someone who thinks similarly about giving.
'Jeff and I both care a lot about improving the world ... Since college, we've been giving about 30 percent of our income each year. This year, we're earning more and will give 45 percent.'

The couple outlines how much and to which charities they donate money to on Kaufman's blog in a donation report that's updated throughout each year. 
'Julia and I want to make the world better, and we think one of the best ways to do that is to donate money to effective charities,' he notes on his blog

 Picture Credit: DailyMail

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