February 16, 2015

Caught on camera the struggle between a giant Octopus and a determined Seal (Photos)

Bob Ianson, 59, of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, was strolling along the coast with his family when he saw the tussle between the two marine animals and pulled out his camera.

The pair plunged into the water and resurfaced repeatedly and at one point the harbor seal's target prey had its attacker completely entangled in its tentacles.  The seal, which regularly eats octopus, fought the cephalopod for an estimated ten minutes before finally defeating its subdue its eight-legged foe and held it in its mouth for dozens of bystanders to see.

'The seal came up with this thing in its mouth, and it was almost as if he looked me in the eye, and presented it to me and said, 'Look what I have!' He was looking right at me,' he told Huffington Post


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