January 16, 2015

U.S. Secretary of State Kerry gave France president a Hug and a Kiss to show support after attack

Rebuked for their non participation at World leaders march in Paris following the wake of attack on satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo that killed 12 people, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry travel to pay visit to French president. Pictured is Kerry having a very close embrace (right) with French President Francois Hollande in Paris today.

 Kerry also brought along singer James Taylor (pic below) for the visit, who played the opening bars of French national anthem La la Marseillaise before making a none-too-subtle diplomatic point with his hit 'You've got a friend'.

The apperance comes after the White House admitted it ought to have sent a higher-ranking official to the enormous solidarity march in Paris last week, which only the U.S. ambassador to France attended. It also coincides with the release of the first edition of Charlie Hebdo since the attack, which defiantly features an image of the prophet Mohammed on the cover.

The White House confirmed that President Obama has seen the cover and supports the magazine's right to publish it weeping Prophet Muhammad.

Do you think its too late for U.S to pay courtesy visit to France.

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