January 14, 2015

Egypt Muslim authority Slams new Charlie Hebdo 'Crying Mohammed' Cartoon publication

Eygpt state sponsored Islamic authority on Tuesday criticize the new cartoon publication of the Prophet Mohammed in the new issue of French magazine Charlie Hebdo
"This action is an unjustified provocation against the feelings of 1.5 billion Muslims," the Dar al-Ifta, he government's official interpreter of Islamic law said in a statement.
"This (magazine) edition will result in a new wave of hatred in French and Western society. What the magazine is doing does not serve co-existence and the cultural dialogue Muslims aspire to," the statement added.

His adviser, Ibrahim Negm, told AFP the institution condemned the bloody attack on the magazine's offices last week by jihadists, after it published satirical depictions of the Muslim prophet.
"We call on all Muslims not to participate in violence," he said.
"We denounce violence and respect freedom of opinion. But the other side has to understand that we love the Prophet Mohammed."

Credit: AFP ;  Photo Credit : Daily Beast

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