January 25, 2015

Twitter Shutdown ISIS Supporters and Jihadst as M15 Launch Anti-Social Media Crackdown

Up to 400 accounts on Twitter have been closed down overnight on Tuesday. These accounts belonging or have traces of  Islamic extremists  comment or retweets have been shut down in an anti-terror social media campaign.

The move was masterminded by MI5 and the American CIA to silence Brits building up radical networks . Still, many were back on Twitter the next day using new “handles” – and mocking the crackdown. like “I’m back Obama...you can take away our Twitter accounts but you canaaay take our freedom.”

Several were followers of hate preacher Anjem Choudhury, who influenced the killers of soldier Lee Rigby.A Twitter spokesman said: “We review all ­reported accounts against our rules, which prohibit direct, specific, acts of ­violence against others.”

Last night a security source warned: “The ­accounts shut down are not run by misguided bedroom wannabes.
"These are influential people with millions of followers whose voices are very loud and very dangerous.”

Credit: Mirror UK

YIntelligence expert Prof Anthony Glees said: “We can’t let the internet be a Wild West. It ­cannot be used to incite killing.
"Sites like Twitter are a very real factor to incite young Europeans into fighting for groups such as the Islamic State.”

An example of crackdown accounts, listed under the bogus name Abu Qittar, is under­stood to be a man in his 20s from Stoke-on-Trent who sells paintings of IS flags and other jihadist items. Two days after the Charlie Hebdo massacre in France, he tweeted: “Those dead in the Paris shooting are in hell – let them rot.”  “Je Suis having lunch... Je Suis loving it.”


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