December 23, 2014

North Korea has only One Internet provider and one Internet Connection to China

With 25 million population, North Korea sole Internet link to the outside world is through China. It also has only one internet provider and only 1,000 internet addresses.
#Surprising, isn't?

No wonder it is labelled the world most secretive country. #now you know

Following North Korea yesterday hours of internet blackout linked to the ongoing scuffles between the country and US on Sony hacking ( read here). Analyst says with 1% population having access to the country's internet North Korea's cyberlinks are negligible because its barely one percent of that of Afghanistan, a similarly impoverished country with a roughly comparable population. Thus, closing down the links wouldn't have had much of an effect within North Korea. For internal online communications it uses a closed Intranet network, but that was apparently not affected, according to officials across the border in the South.

Although, their internet has been restored and China has been blamed for it. But the China's Foreign Ministry said such reports that China was involved in cutting off North Korea's Internet are "irresponsible".


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