May 17, 2015

Well known Cyber Security Hacker told F.B.I. He Remotely Controlled Plane To Fly Sideways after The Cracking Entertainment System

Renowned U.S. hacker confessed to F.B.I. agents he took momentary control of an airplane’s engines mid-flight by hacking into its inflight entertainment system, according to a document filed in U.S. federal court.

The founder of One World Labs Roberts, who has been interviewed at least three times by the F.B.I. this year, is under investigation for allegedly hacking into the electronic entertainment systems of airplanes, according to an application for a search warrant to probe seized electronic equipment.

The document shows F.B.I. agents investigating Roberts believe he has the ability to do what he claims: take over flight control systems by hacking the inflight entertainment computer.

Roberts has not yet been charged with any crime. The allegations contained in the search warrant application have not been proven in court.

Roberts is an expert on counter threat cyber security. F.B.I. agents obtained the search warrant on April 17 to probe a number of electronic items seized from Roberts after he arrived in Syracuse, NY, from Chicago on April 15.

Read More:
FBI says researchers may have adjusted airplane controls from in-flight entertainment system
Hacker told F.B.I. he made plane fly sideways after cracking entertainment sys   

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