May 13, 2015

Hurry!! Nokia Is 150 Years Old.

Hurry!! Nokia, turns 150 years old today. As the oldest  and one of thefirst companies to bring the cellphone to regular consumers
Although, Nokia wasn’t making cellphones in the 19th century. To celebrate its big birthday on Tuesday, the Finnish tech brand, which began in 1865 as a rubber manufacturer, released a video explaining its long road to 2015.
The Nokia electronics and telecommunications company that we know today didn’t begin taking shape until the 1960s. And even though the Lumia mobile division of Nokia was sold to Microsoft in 2014, ostensibly marking an end for the company’s foray into phones, rumors have the brand getting back into mobile devices again in the future. (Perhaps a reemergence of the 3310!?)
Much ahs changed since its inception. As post-cellphone Nokia of 2015 specializes in navigation, mapping, and networking technologies.

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