May 17, 2015

Foods to Eat for a FLATTER Tummy and Those To Avoid to Beat Bloated Stomach

Bloating can make us feel ‘very full’ after eating, even if we have only eaten small amountsThis health tip sounds exciting to read because I am aiming for flat tummy too.
Author of Natural Solutions to IBS, Dr Marilyn Glenville and nutritionist has identify the common foods which can make us feel bloated and those that can yield flat tummy.
To have a flat tummy, according Dr Marilyn, steer clear of stone fruits, don't chew gum and banish fizzy water from your diet.
If it's a flat tummy you're after, you should be loading up on grains, fish and meat, soft cheeses and eggs.  
Bloating, defined as a general swelling or feeling of tightness in the tummy area, can make us feel ‘very full’ after eating, even when we haven't over indulged.
Certain foods such as stone fruits, cruciferous vegetables and even spice-packed curries can all cause abdominal distension and over-production of gas.
Chewing gum: ‘gum makes you swallow air too much air which gets trapped in your digestive system causing pressure, bloating and gas. ‘The same thing can happen if you gulp air when snacking on the run, eating too quickly, talking while eating or drinking from a straw.’

Cruciferous vegetables: Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage may cause bloating and excess wind ‘For some people these vegetables are not digested completely in the small intestines, which maybe due to a lack of enzymes,’ she said.
‘It means that when they reach the large intestines, bacteria in that part of the gut can cause gas and bloating when breaking down those foods.‘
Stone fruits: Stone fruits like peaches and plums are packed with sugar alcohols which can ferment causing bloating and gas.
Legumes: ‘Beans like soya, lentils chickpeas contain oligosaccharides, a type of naturally occurring sugar in the beans which are normally digested by bacteria in the large intestines,’ Dr Glenville explained.


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