May 16, 2015

Boston Bomber is Sentenced to Death

Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's is Sentenced to Death today.

But a heroic firefighter who rescued victims of the Boston bombing attack said Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's death sentence is nothing to celebrate, spitting: 'He wanted to go hell - he is going to get there early.' Michael Ward (inset, left) was off duty along the marathon route when two explosions went off (center). On Friday, two years after he pulled wounded men, women and children to safety, Ward was in court to witness Tsarnaev (left, in court) being sentenced to death.

'I remember the vile, disgusting thing that this person did and his brother,' Ward told a press conference. 'They destroyed countless innocent lives.' Seven women and five men unanimously voted to punish the 21-year-old with death for his part in detonating two bombs at the 2013 Boston Marathon, killing three people (pictured top right, victims eight-year-old Martin Richard, Lingzi Lu and Krystle Campbell) and injured more than 260 others.

Police officer Sean Collier was shot dead by the Tsarnaev brothers as they tried to flee Boston (pictured bottom far right). Tsarnaev will be executed by lethal injection

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