April 10, 2015

The 7 Surprising Signs You're Stressed and Best Foods to Re-boot Your Body

Stress drains the body of nutrients, meaning signs of pressure often show up on the body as nutrient deficiencies, according to nutritionist Charlotte Watts.

Cracks at the side of the mouth are a sign the body needs vitamin B6, while white spots on the nails mean the person is deficient in zinc.

Writing for the Healthista website, she said: 'Periods of stress use up nutrients more quickly.
'This is because our whole system - including energy, brain responses, hormones and immunity - is working at a higher and faster rate.'
As a result, some symptoms associated with vitamin or mineral deficiencies can also be a warning sign of the deeper, long-term effects of chronic stress. 

Here, Ms Watts explains what foods a person can eat to replenish the body...Cracks at the side of the mouth are a sign the body is low on vitamin B6 and Food sources such beef, eggs, fresh vegetables, kidney, legumes, liver, mushrooms, nuts can give VITAMIN B5

Read all from Healthista website

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