March 20, 2015

US shoots down ISIS-operated drone

The US has reportedly shot down an ISIS-operated drone for the first time since its attacks on the terrorist group.
The US Central Command announced that the military bombed an unmanned drone being operated by the extremist group in Iraq even as it said 11 airstrikes in total were conducted between March 17 and 18.
Further details are however slim, with RT reporting that the strike occurred near Fallujah, which remains controlled by militants.

CENTCOM spokesman Maj. Kim Michelsen told AP that the drone was a “small, unarmed hand-held type of the sort that can be purchased commercially”  adding that ISIS was using the drone for surveillance purposes which was why the US focused its sight on the aircraft.
The development fuels concerns that the group will eventually be able to get its hands on more dangerous technology, particularly if it’s able to steal any drones the US may sell to allies in the region.

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