March 2, 2015

Netanyahu warns Iran deal could 'threaten the survival' of Israel

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned Monday that an Iran nuclear deal "could threaten the survival" of Israel in a speech at the annual meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
"I have a moral obligation to speak up ... while there's still time," he said.
Netanyahu told those gathered in Washington for the meeting that while U.S. leaders "worry about the security of their country...Israeli leaders worry about the survival of their country."

Netanyahu was expected to use the speech to AIPAC, the nation's largest pro-Israel lobbying group, as well as the one to Congress, to hammer home his opposition to a developing deal the U.S. and five other world powers have been negotiating with Iran over its nuclear program. Netanyahu believes the deal would leave Iran too close to eventually becoming a nuclear power and is hoping to rally allies in Congress to block it.
In his remarks, he cautioned: "No one makes alliances with the weak. We defend ourselves ... today we have a voice ... I plan to use that voice."
Source: Google news

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