March 8, 2015

Hungarian Government ban shopping most Sundays and late Nights

Customers buy in a Tesco supermarkt  in t Nagykanizsa …
Hungarians  Government place a ban on Sunday and greatly limiting opening hours for most stores. Starting March 15, stores can only open between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. and are banned from opening Sundays.

Exceptions include pharmacies, small shops operated by their owners or family members, and stores located in hospitals, prisons, gas stations, airports, bus and train stations. While newsstands, bakeries and flower shops will be allowed to open Sundays until noon.

Spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said the government was trying to adapt local regulations to standards in some other European countries.

"Hungarians are going to get used to it very quickly," Kovacs said.

He added that the rules were "realistic" since they also allowed stores to stay open on Sundays in some areas popular with tourists.


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