March 20, 2015

Australian woman suffered frostbite injuries after she fell asleep drunk outside a bar in Canada

The unidentified woman, who shared photos of her painful injuries on imgur, admits she was 'f***ing stupid' following the drunken incident in December at Prince Albert in Saskatchewan, Canada. The woman, who lived in NSW but moved to Canada four years ago, says she was 'blackout drunk' when she lost her friends and was last seen at a bar about 2.30am (bottom right).

She was found outside a nursing home curled in a ball trying to sleep three hours later and her fingers were already notably purple. She was treated in hospital and was told her fingers would have to blister and swell before they could be popped (right). Her hands are in the process of healing and she can use them again, but her specialist is still concerned about her left pinky and right middle fingertip. 


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