March 8, 2015

22 Year Old Nigeria Confesses Online Porn addiction since age 14...

Oghosa Ovienrioba is a 22-year-old intelligent Law Graduate and a popular vlogger to boot confesses her addiction to online pornography.

Oghosa has become a hero to other sufferers after bravely speaking out about her porn addiction on YouTube - in a series that has amassed over 800,000 hits.
Oghosa, from London, says, 'When I uploaded that video in February, I had no idea how phenomenal the response would be.
'I received hundred of heartwarming comments from women who were going through the same thing for years.
'Lots of people don’t think girls can suffer a porn addiction but it’s a problem for both sexes. I hope I can help others out there - talking about your problem is the first step.'

She said: 'I was 14 years old when I went to find porn on the internet. It was out of curiosity and it was just a simple Google search for me to get hold of an adult movie.
'When I first watched it, my reaction was shock. But gradually over time, that shock becomes excitement and I would use any porn that I could get my hands on.'
Her habit started to become a worrying obsession by age 16 when she began watching adult movies as often as she could.
She said: 'I was watching it so much that I started to get bored by the "normal" soft porn movies.
'I wasn't getting the buzz that I felt when I first saw it - in fact I was almost desensitised to that content.
'I went from watching soft pornography to dodgier stuff to get the kick I needed.'
Oghosa's addiction briefly stopped when she had a six-month relationship with a boy at age 18.
But when she started university and found herself single again, the downward spiral of her addiction recommenced.
She said: 'I was at a university and alone in a new city. I guess it was a trigger and I just went downhill from there. 
'For a period of two to three years, I was watching porn on a daily basis and sometimes masturbating over six times per day. It was all I could think about.'
She continued: 'I didn't see people as people anymore - they were just sex objects to me.
'The simplest things could set me off such as a girl unbuttoning her blouse or a boy taking his top off. Everything made me want more.
'I would sit in my room alone for hours, with the lights off, watching porn. I felt lonely and ashamed of myself.'
When Oghosa turned 21, she found Christianity and knew it was time to confront her problem. She made several lifestyle changes so she would not return to old habits again.

Source: Daily Mail



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