March 19, 2015

1st direct flight between United State and Cuba takes off

The 1st direct flight between the United States and Cuba has taken off from New York city.
According to Al Jazeera, US-based travel agency, Cuba Travel Services announced the weekly charter between John F. Kennedy International Airport and Havana.
This would be one of the first travel moves after the US government's recent decision to ease travel restrictions.
In January, President Barack Obama announced it would be easing the restrictions, however, despite improving relations, tourism is still banned as US travelers must still declare a purpose that fits into one of the 12 approved categories which include family visits, government work and journalism.
However, most visitors no longer need to apply for a special license and wait for US government approval.

After almost 50 years of hostility towards Cuba, Obama reset the Cuba policy on December 17th, opting for engagement.
To this end, Washington and Havana held 18 months of secret talks before announcing they would re-establish diplomatic ties and exchange prisoners.

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