February 8, 2015

A Baby was Born Pregnant with 8 weeks old Twins in China

Every strange stories are China related. Lol!

 According to UK Mirror, a baby girl was born in Hong Kong was found to be 'pregnant' with twins.

The girl, born to Chinese mainland parents in Queen Elizabeth Hospital  also had fetuses of 8 to 10 weeks gestated, had legs, arms, a spine, rib cage and intestines inside her belly. But doctors had to  surgically remove them while she was just 3 weeks old herself. The surgery was successful and the girl was discharged from hospital eight days later.

The fetuses found inside the new born baby, one weighed 14.2 grammes and the other 9.3 grammes - and each had an umbilical cord.  The extraordinary medical marvel was detailed in the latest issue of the Hong Kong Medical Journal.

This is the  the first documented case in the city as the condition, known as foetus in foetu occurs in just one in 500,000 births in the world said. Dr Yu Kai-man, a specialist in obstetrics and gyneacology.

He said: "It was almost impossible to detect during the prenatal check-up, as the embryo inside the baby was too small," said Yu, a former professor at Chinese University of Hong Kong.

"Since it is impossible for the little girl to have conceived the pregnancy on her own, the fertilisation of the twin fetuses, of course, belongs to her parents, which has gone to the wrong place."

The report said the reason behind the abnormality, which happened when the girl was born in 2010, is still unknown, and that the World Health Organisation classified it as a type of cancer.

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