February 17, 2015

Woman changes name to ABCDEFG HIJKLMN OPQRST UVWXYZ because she wants her name Difficult to pronounce

For many, reason for change of their names are for security , not too sexy, spiritual or marital reasons but this may seen to be the  World's most weird name change?  As woman's sole reason is a name that is difficult to pronounce.

A teacher has spent two years fighting red tape to change her name to all 26 letters of the alphabet, mirror report.

The 36-year-old, who feels the need to constantly "redefine" herself depending on her mood, has a habit of regularly changing her name.

But the latest move to call herself Abcdefg Hijklmn Opqrst Uvwxyz has been her biggest battle yet.
The woman, who previously called herself Ladyzunga Cyborg, has finally been given approval after officials initially refused the unusual request.

The teacher from Bogota in Colombia, has a passion for fetish clothes and bondage events and said she always wanted a name that is difficult to say.

She said: "I’ve changed my name so people wouldn’t know it’s me.

"But it’s not because I was disturbed by it but because I wanted to always bring an element of surprise."

Photo Credit: Mirror UK

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