February 18, 2015

Beyonce’s L'Oreal advert Unretouched Photos got Leaked | See What the Fuss is About!

More than 200 unretouched photos from Beyonce's 2013 L'Oreal cosmetic campaign were leaked on a fan site called The Beyonce World on Tuesday, showing fans that she's human like everyone else. The 33-year-old superstar, known for her hit track Flawless, appears to have uneven and pimply skin under heavily applied foundation in the pre-Photoshop images.

The outtakes were taken from Beyonce's commercial and stock shoots from her Feria and Infallible campaigns, which advertised the brand's hair dye, lipstick and foundation. The right hand image is from the same L'Oreal campaign but is not a frame-for-frame comparison. See mpre photos of real bey after cut..

The statement issued by Beyonceworld.com
"Due to the disdain of the BeyHive, we have removed the photos. We don't want to cause any drama, nor do we wish to start fan wars. Some of the things we have seen posted were just horrible, and we don't want any parts of it. We were just posting the photos to share the fact that our queen is naturally beautiful, at the same time she is just a regular woman.

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