February 10, 2015

Eating Chilli Pepper really CAN help you Lose Weight and Burns Your Body Fat

A new study found capsaicin – the ingredient that gives chilli peppers their heat - could help burn off fat in the body. Since people can not stop the eat if fatty foods is  that, for many, they can't resist eating fatty or sugary foods even if they are trying to cut down on calories.

Researchers believe capsaicin could provide a solution to this problem; speeding up the metabolism without the need to restrict the diet. Capsaicin also help the body to burn energy and create heat (a process known as thermogenesis) – burning off calories in the process.
It does this by activating receptors in the body which set off the process of energy burning.These receptors are found in white and brown fat cells.
In the body, white fat cells soak up calories and store them as fat – the dreaded type visible in pot bellies, love handles and wobbly thighs that is the enemy of dieters.

The research was presented during the Biophysical Society’s 59th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, U.S.

Source: Daily Mailonline


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