January 30, 2015

TEDTalk: Khadija Gbla talks on Different Cultural Definition of Women Empowerment & Female Genital Mutilation

Khadija Gbla is the CEO at Khadija Gbla Cultural Consultancy talks on TEDtalk titled " My mothers strange definition of empowerment. 

She narrated her growing up between two definitions of what it means to be an “empowered woman.” While her Sierra Leonean mother thought that circumsizing her — and thus stifling her sexual urges — was the ultimate form of empowerment, her culture as a teenager in Australia told her that she deserved pleasure and that what happened to her was called “female genital mutilation.”

In a candid and funny talk, she shares what it was like to make her way in a “clitoris-centric society,” and how she works to make sure other women don’t have to figure this out. Watch Video after cut..


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