January 28, 2015

Photos of Smokers blackened Lungs that SHOULD stop smokers from Lighting up again (Video)

Do you smoke or have relatives that do?  Here is a series of released gruesome video (after cut) of damaged lungs due to smoking  as part of an anti-smoking campaign. I hope after you watch, you will quit or tell some to so.
The footage was aired on Chinese television channel CCTV last Wednesday, warning long-term smokers and passive smokers of the dangers of tobacco smoke.
The short clips show a close up of lungs which have been blackened by mould-like spots. The videos, which were shared through chinaSMACK on Friday, show the grave effects of tobacco smoke.

The caption for the footage reads: 'Over 80 per cent of lung cancer cases are believed to be caused by long-term smoking or "second hand smoke"!'
'In the images, the lung of someone who has smoked for 15 years is covered with large black spots, while the lung of a 30-year smoker is even more of a ghastly sight, where even the inside is covered with cancer causing substances.'
China is believed to be the world's largest producer and consumer of tobacco products, according to the World Health Organisation.

Watch video:


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