January 23, 2015

NoozYes Insight: Would you move abroad for a job and Which Country would You Chose?

Everyone deserves a better chance and the quest for that opportunity has seen high rise in job migration from city to city within a country. Commercialize cities are now experiencing population explosion. Its very different making a decision to travel abroad to seek or take up a job because its a new world entirely. Now the question is would you move abroad for a job and how desperate are you to do so? Which country would you choose?

I found an article on this topic.  Boston Consulting Group and The Network, an online recruiting firm,  surveyed 200,000 responses online to know who is willing to work abroad and why. Read after cut....

Respondents from less developed economies - such as Pakistan, Jamaica, Honduras and Ghana - were much more willing to relocate  than workers in more stable economies. But France and the Netherlands only where from developed countries with more than 90% of the French and Dutch respondents said they'd be willing to go abroad. By contrast, less than half of the American, British and German respondents felt the same way. That's also true of the survey takers from Denmark
Location, of course, makes a difference when choosing a new place to live.

Among those who said they were willing to work abroad, non-U.S. citizens said they would most like to work in the United States, while Americans looking to ex-patriate said the United Kingdom would be their top destination.

Survey takers also chose their favorite cities for jobs. Among all respondents, the top 10 cities were London, New York, Paris, Sydney, Madrid, Berlin, Barcelona, Toronto, Singapore and Rome. Also, the BCG survey found that 70% of engineers, particularly those in information technology and telecommunications, were willing to go abroad. Far less willing were those who worked in the fields of health and social work, with only about half saying they'd take a job in another country.

Since your country is not mentioned, you should leave a comment on this post and note your country.

 Article credit: moneycnn

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