December 21, 2014

Update: Two NewYork Police Assasinated by Black Man identified in Photos

Yesterday two New York City police officers were assassinated as revenged in a targeted attack and victims have been identified as recentlymarried Wenjian Liu (left) and father-of-two Rafael Ramos. (center) The pair had been stationed in a new precinct for the first time on Saturday afternoon when 28-year-old Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley (inset above) crept up behind their patrol car and shot them both in the head.

                                                          Officer Ramos and Liu
Based on Brinsley's chilling Instagram posts hours before, the execution-style attack appeared to be an act of revenge for the death of Eric Garner (Read here).

Liu, it was revealed tonight, married his fiancee two months ago - having joined the NYPD in 2007. Ramos has a 13-year-old son and celebrated his 40th birthday on December 12. He had two years' experience with the force after working as a safety operations officer in schools.
Liu, 32, married his fiancee two months ago - having joined the NYPD in 2007.
 'He was a very good guy; always tried to help out in the neighborhood,' neighbor Wendi Adams told the site.
'It's a really sad thing. It's just sad. God bless him.' 

Liu lived in Brooklyn's Gravesend with his wife, having moved there five months before their wedding. 
Brinsley shot his former girlfriend in Baltimore, Maryland, on Saturday morning before traveling 190 miles to New York City with the same gun for his second attack.
Tragically, Baltimore police faxed a bulletin describing Brinsley to New York police at 2.45pm - just two minutes before he fired his first deadly shot.

Police made salute as ambulance takes bodies of dead officers away

Read More Officers Wen Jian Liu, Rafael Ramos took different paths to NYPD


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