December 24, 2014

The Breast Cancer Symptoms you don't know about - such as Puckered, Dimpled skin or Inverted nipples (Video)

 The Breast Cancer Symptoms you don't know about - such as Puckered, Dimpled skin or Inverted nipples . Read the tale of a cancer patient share her experience and watch video to get more enlightened.
I never knew an inverted nipple was so dangerous
Ali Schofield is a 31-year-old writer who lives in Steeton, West Yorkshire. She writes:
Putting on my yoga bra before a class late last year, I realised my right nipple had inverted and felt quite hard. I had read that changes in the breast could be a sign of cancer, but was shocked when my GP referred me for a scan.
The hospital consultant reassured me that usually an inverted nipple was nothing to worry about. I was then 30, with no history of breast cancer in my family.
I had an ultrasound scan and the radiologist said he could see no cause for concern. What a relief! My nipple stayed inverted and hard but I paid little attention to it. I started trying for a baby with my boyfriend Tim, and we looked for a new home in the next county.

Before the house move, I thought I'd visit my GP to check it again.
Nearly a year later, I returned to hospital for another ultrasound but I still couldn't feel a lump.
This consultant told me there definitely was a lump. I had a biopsy, and the results confirmed it - I had invasive breast cancer.
That was three months ago, and I am having a course of chemotherapy. Luckily, a biopsy of tissue under my arm revealed the cancer has not spread beyond the breast. The treatment is hard. I've lost all my hair and, after the chemotherapy, I feel tired and achy.
I am also having hormone injections of leuprorelin acetate. These induce a false, reversible menopause, in the hope that my ovaries might not be damaged by chemotherapy. Early next year, I will have a mastectomy and possibly radiotherapy. I'm determined to stay positive.
My worry is that not enough people are aware that an inverted nipple can be a sign of breast cancer - patients and GPs alike.

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