December 7, 2014

Mexican Farmer set himself Ablaze during Protest

Following the demand for his father's release, young Farmer Agustin Gomez Perez, 21, poured gasoline on himself and set himself on fire.

Agstin pictured as he runs in flames after he was lit on fire as a form of protest outside the Chiapas state legislature in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico, Friday, Dec. 5, 2014.

 His father is an  indigenous leader Florentino Gomez Giron, who was arrested last year on charges stemming from a series of demonstrations in 2011 that turned violent. The father has been charged with murder, stealing cattle, organized crime and causing 39 families to flee the Ixtapa municipality as a result of leading indigenous protests in 2011 to demand improved basic services.
Agustin lying on the floor covered with blanket
Fortunately, Agustin  did not die but was taken to a hospital, and his stepmother, Araceli Diaz, said he was “serious but stable” condition with second- and third-degree burns.

This is not the best how to reach out for demands. Please readers don't try of think about doing this act, its considered insane and inhuman. #Value your life and others.

Credit:  (AP Photo/Cuartoscuro, Jacob Garcia)

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