December 8, 2014

Parents gets Angry over their 1st grader HANDCUFFED at Georgia school

A special needs 1st grader was handcuffed for disrupting the school.

Parents of the boy express their rage over the decision to handcuffed their son at a school in Georgia as it was reportedly left bruises on the boy's wrists according to Eyewitness news.

The school district says a school resource officer cuffed the child because he was "acting in a disruptive manner and being self-destructive during school."

However, the boy's mother, Lakaisha Reid doesn't think he was harming himself.

"He just ran away from school. It does not require handcuffs for this - he is just a special needs kid," Reid says, "that's pretty young for handcuffs - anything could happen with handcuffs on him."

Reid urges school officers to be trained on how to handle special needs children.

Credit: Eyewitness news

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