December 2, 2014

Pakistan Military Kills At Least 24 Militants In Fresh Airstrikes And Ground Offensives

Pakistani government and military officials claims killed at least 24 militants in Pakistan’s restive northwest with airstrikes earlier this week  according to  The Associated Press (AP) reported,.

The attack came after over 50 militants attacked a military post late Monday at Khyber Agency post, a tribal area near Peshawar in the country’s north where Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba are also based. The Pakistani army’s ground forces retaliated by opening fire on the militants and killing seven militants, according to AP.

There are five Uzbek and two Haqqani network militants among those who have been killed in air strikes," an intelligence official said, according to Agence France-Presse.

Officials said, according to AP, that the militants had fled the region after the military opened gunfire, and added that police forces are currently combing the area to locate them. Two key militant commanders were also killed in the attack, according to Dawn, a local newspaper, which reported that 30 militants were killed in the attack.


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