December 8, 2014

Obama says Racism is 'Deeply Rooted in America'

So, now you hear it from the horses mouth. Can you stop acting like its new and hold your peace.

In an interview with BET, President Barack Obama talks about racism and bias in the American society.  He told them that 'this is something that is deeply rooted in our society, it's deeply rooted in our history.' Urging patience among the minority , saying progress usually comes in slow pace but so far America has made gains, and that 'gives us hope' of making more progress, he said.

Making reference to Ferguson representatives, Obama told BET 'What I told the young people who I met with, that we're gonna have more conversations like this over the coming months, is this isn't gonna be solved overnight. This is something that is deeply rooted in our society. It's deeply rooted in our history.

'But the two things that are going to allow us to solve it. Number one: is the understanding that we have made progress. And so, it's important to recognize, as painful as these incidents are, we can't equate what is happening now to what was happening 50 years ago. And if you talk to your parents, grandparents, uncles, they'll tell you that things are better. Not good, in some cases, but better.'

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