December 10, 2014

Moment When an Havard Professor Rants Over $4 overcharged meal by a Chinese Takeout

Professor up right and Chinese bartender down right
Profession outraged over $4, Surprised ? You would expect such a Professor in Ivy league school who  earns higher than $6.000 a month to let go of $4 dollars.

 But Ben Edelman, an associate professor at Harvard, unleashed a string of angry and threatening emails to Sichuan Garden in Massachusetts that have now been made public.

He ordered $53.53 worth of takeout looking at a menu online, but it was $4 more expensive when it arrived. After complaining, the restaurant explained in an email their website was out of date and that prices had recently gone up.

Edelman then demanded a $12 refund, claiming what they were doing was against the law. The restaurant say they are waiting to hear from the authorities before going any further. Lol!

Credit: Business Insider

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