December 5, 2014

Mom Puts her Daughter in a Refrigerator after she Dead for 6 months

Amber Keyes, 35, was arrested after her  9-year-old girl disable daughter was found dead inside a refrigerator back in June has been charged with injury to a child, Houston police said via US weekly.

Police said neighbors at the Happy Home Apartment complex became concerned after not seeing Keyes' child, Ayahna Comb, for several months. On June 10, 2014, a concerned neighbor entered the family's residence through an unlocked door and found the child wrapped in blankets in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator at about 5:50 p.m.

When Houston Fire Department paramedics responded to the scene and pronounced Ayahna dead. Investigators said she had been dead since January 29, 2014 and weighed just 14 pounds.
Family members said the victim had cerebral palsy, needed a wheelchair to get around and was bottle fed.

Keyes told police that one night in January Ayahna just stopped breathing. Keyes said she performed CPR, but it was too late. Investigators said Keyes did not report the child's death to any official authority, nor did she call emergency personnel.

Police said Keyes told them she didn't know what to do with her daughter's body so she placed it in the refrigerator. Keyes told police she continued to use the refrigerator for food storage over the following six months, according to court documents.

Keyes turned herself in to police back in June, but was released and not charged with a crime.
In October, The Harris County Medical Examiner's Office ruled Ayahna's death a homicide. The doctor who performed the autopsy said Ayahna's death was caused by malnutrition and dehydration complicated by cerebral palsy and ulcers, which extended down to her bones, infecting the bones.
Police said Keyes is charged with intentionally and knowingly by omission causing serious bodily injury to Ayahna by failing to seek medical care for the child.

Child Protective Services officials previously said Keyes lost custody of another child more than a decade ago. CPS authorities said that after they investigated suspicions that the 18-month-old had suffered physical abuse in 2002, the child was placed in foster care.

Credit: US Weekly

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