December 22, 2014

LMAO! North Korea's internet is down. USA is getting back

Yesterday, North Korea threatened to blow off the White House owing to Obama accusation of their prime a suspect in the hacking of the Sony emails and leaking of their emails to the pubic and also causing the temporary cancellation of Sony Movie The Interview that featured Kim Kong  be assassinated. North Korea is currently offline.

"Internet connectivity between North Korea and the outside world is currently suffering one of its worst outages in recent memory, suggesting that the country may be enduring a mass cyber attack a few days after President Obama warned the US would launch a "proportional response" to North Korea's hack against Sony
North Korea, which has four official networks connecting the country to the Internet -- all of which route through China -- began experiencing intermittent problems yesterday and today went completely black, according to Doug Madory, director of Internet analysis at Dyn Research in Hanover, New Hampshire." Bloomberg reports.
I guess they will create their own web. 

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