December 10, 2014

Joan Rivers Left $150million in WIll to Family, Assistants and Charity


Joan Rivers the Fashion Police Host reportedly left her only child Melissa in charge of her estimated $150million fortune held in a trust.

The late comedian's will was filed in New York State Surrogate's Court on Tuesday and reveals she named her daughter as executor of the trust with 'the broadest and most absolute permissible direction to delegate the fortune to family, friends and charities while her business manager Michael D Karlin and interior designer Robert Higdon were named co-executors of the living trust.
Daughter Melissa, grandson Edgar Cooper Endicott and her sister Barbara's children Caroline and Andrew Waxler are expected to receive inheritances.
Daughter and Grandson
Money will also be given to Rivers' assistants Jocelyn Pickett and Sabrina Lott Miller, and her former publicist Scott Currie.
The will also detailed that part of the fortune be donated to causes close to Rivers' heart including the charities Guide Dogs for the Blind in California, Queens food pantry God's Love We Deliver, the Jewish Guild for the Blind, Simon Wisenthal Center, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Jewish Home and Hospital Foundation.
That's so kind of her to save into others future.
You, what have you in trust for me. Lol!!



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