December 23, 2014

Interview with Parents of Missing Chibok Girls says its going to be a Sad Christmas for them

Politics has really caused so many doubts about if any girls are missing but with some parents coming out particularly in this instance shows some girls are out there waiting for a release from the terror.
Some parents of Chibok girls were recently interviewed by CNN. One of the parents pictured says it will be a bad Christmas for them this year as their daughter has still not returned.
         "She is brilliant. She likes reading. She liked to go to school,” her father told CNN.
"She used to tell me one day she would finish school and become somebody. She loved studies; she used to assist the younger ones with their homework. She used to fall asleep with her books in her arms.” her mother said
The missing girls father says during festive periods like Christmas, the family was always “complete and happy”, but that as it is now it won’t be the same saying . “One of us is not there, how can it be the same”? “There is nothing I can say; it has happened. It is a bad Christmas, but there is nothing we can do.”
The mother says she believes that one day her daughter would come back home. 
Her siblings know that she is not here. They themselves know what is happening, having come out of war. They keep asking me, ‘when is she coming back?’ But I keep telling them to keep trusting God, maybe He will hear us.  I always feel pain inside of me, but I am trusting God that one day, she she will come back. 
The missing girl’s father added 
“I tell the Children that she will come back, they should keep praying and hoping that she is still alive and that she will come back. They will come back. They will come back. That many girls? If they are still alive on the face of the earth, they will come back" he said
Missing Girl

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