December 16, 2014

Chinese Woman tries to SELL her Toddler Daughter on the street to PAY Husband's £10,000 Medical bill

A distressed woman was seen on the street of China trying to sell her baby daughter in order to pay her husband's £10,000 medical bill. Ni Qiong was photographed roadside in Fuzhou, China, with a written sign imploring pedestrians to purchase her one-year-old daughter.
The sign read: 'Please buy my daughter. My husband is waiting for surgery fees in the hospital as his boss ran away. I would like to see my daughter and save my husband.' according to That's Magazines,
She and her husband, Zhou Xinggui, are both migrant workers, but he is currently in hospital needing surgery after falling off scaffolding. Zhou worked as a builder and needs to undergo surgery but doctors will not operate on him until the couple pay the 100,000 Yuan (£10,000) fee.
Many locals who witnessed her in distress were sympathetic to her plight and some gave her money, no-one offered to purchase her daughter in the four hours she sat in the street with the sign, the magazine reported


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