November 5, 2014

South Africa honored World Responsible Tourism Awards

The World Responsible Tourism Awards held in London on Wednesday has crowned Cape town, South African as the most responsible tourist city. 

According to News24, Hotel Verde in Cape Town won Gold in the Best City Hotel for Responsible Tourism category, the V&A Waterfront walked away with Gold for Best Destination for Responsible Tourism and South African Animal Sanctuary Alliance received Gold for being the Best Global Animal Welfare Initiative. Mdumbi Backpackers was a finalist in the Best for Poverty Reduction category.

In addition, the winner of winners award,  a Gold winner amongst the Gold winners goes to the South African Animal Sanctuary Alliance as the Overall Winner in the category award.

These awards are significant for the entire Tourism industry in South Africa. It shows that South Africa is taking its place as a world leader in responsible tourism,” said Tourism Minister Derek Hanekom.
Many travellers are now making decisions based on fair trade, community benefits and sustainable development practices. In response to this, more of our destinations are implementing sustainable principles like recycling greywater and reducing energy use.  These establishments are an inspiration to others to follow suit.”

South Africa has become the second country in the world, after Brazil, to develop National Minimum Standards for Responsible Tourism.

I believe we can do more to educate and activate travel consumers to support responsible tourism. This will accelerate the implementation of responsible tourism principles by destination operators even further,” Hanekom said.

Credit: News24

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