November 26, 2014

Riots intensifies Tuesday night with more than 61 people arrested outside Ferguson courthouse as protestors hurl smoke bombs, flares and overturn police cars as they rampage through city

Micheal Brown Cousin, Sabrina Webb arrested by police
National Guardsmen increased from 700 to 2,200 as the second night of violent protests become far more destructive than any of those that followed the August death of Michael Brown.
Protesters damaging police vehicle
There were 61 arrests in Ferguson on Monday night, many for burglary and trespassing including Micheal Brown cousin Sabrina Webb.
Obama said that 'a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and communities of color'. Ferguson's mayor James Knowles criticized what he says was delayed National Guard deployment, saying: 'We must be prepared ahead of time. We must be prepared for the absolute worst.'
Police vehicle been overturned
In an interview with ABC St Louis before the grand jury verdict came back she said: 'We're going to continue to protest in the most peaceful way can.
'Either way we're gonna get justice until something does get done'.

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