November 6, 2014

Photos of Flaming Riot in Brussels as more than 100,000 Protesters Clash with Police against EU austerity measures

Enraged citizens of over 100,000 people marched the streets of Brussels today against EU-enforced austerity.

The fighting broke out soon after the end of a largely peaceful march organised by trade unions and left wing politicians.

  • The violence that resulted as a result of new law instituted by the government that raise retirement age, cancel wage rises and cut welfare benefits.
  • Police tried to put thee situation under control using water cannons and tear gas were at the centre of the Belgian.

  • The ACV-CSC Christian trade union coalition boss Marc Leemans told Reuters: 'The signal is clear. People are angry, livid. This government's policies are totally unbalanced.'

    Slogans on banners included: 'Eliminate the causes of the crisis, not the poor', 'Hands off the pension age', and 'human need not corporate greed'.
    By late afternoon cars and other vehicles could be seen burning in the centre of Brussels. There were also reports of buildings being set on fire, and other property being damaged. 'There are disturbances in the centre of the centre,' said a Brussels police spokesman.

  • Photo Credit: Reuters
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