November 5, 2014

Oregon, Washington, D.C. Legalize Marijuana

According to CCN poll projection , the voters in Oregon and Washington, D.C., have voted to approve pro-marijuana legalization.

Meanwhile, Oregon states have law that legalizes personal possession, manufacture and sale of marijuana for people 21 years of age and older. Anticipating similar plans in Washington State and Colorado, the Oregon law will also create a commercial regulatory system for the production, distribution and sale of marijuana.

Washington, D.C.'s proposal, while scaled back compared to the Oregon proposal, permits a person over 21 years old to posses up to two ounces of marijuana for personal use and grow up to six cannabis plants in their home. It also permits people to transfer up to one ounce of marijuana to another person, but not sell it.

Although, the District of Columbia, has not permitted marijuana sale despite it been under D.C. but can overrule because it’s a district. Pro-marijuana activists heralded the victories as "huge" on Tuesday.
Credit: CNN

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