November 9, 2014

ISIS Leader and Chief Critically Wounded by U.S Airstrike

ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is  reportedly to be critically wounded after  
American war planes have launched a strike on a gathering of ISIS leaders, Daily Mail UK reports
 According to local witnesses and government sources confirmed that bombs had fallen on the town of al-Qaim, next to the Syrian border where  a meeting of senior ISIS figures was been held,  killing more than a dozen people.
Another witness said that eight people had died when a bomb struck a market area.
A local hospital was said to be overwhelmed with the volume of patients from the raid - including al-Baghdadi.
Striking Baghdadi would be the most significant blow yet in the campaign against ISIS, who have been defiant in the face of sustained air attacks from the U.S. Air Force and allies. 
A provincial leader from Anbar in western Iraq, as well as his deputy, are said to be among those killed instantly by the bombs. 

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