November 11, 2014

Another Local Government Area in Adamawa State Seiged by Boko Haram militants

Another town has been taken over by the militant group,  Boko Haram yesterday according to SahaReporters .

Maiha Local Government Area reported to have been won over by Boko Haram after fierce combat with the soldiers leaving many soldiers killed and wounded.

Report from SharaReporters says:
"The military source disclosed that several units were this morning given the order to liberate Mubi, which is currently under the control of Boko Haram terrorists. Soldiers were given a complex strategy which included surrounding Mubi from multiple sides, led by a special strike force.
"Setting off at 10 a.m after breakfast, troops from a temporary army base in maiha were ambushed by Boko Haram terrorists miles from Mubi, an attack they successfully overcame. 
"The source further confirmed that after troops advanced, they were again ambushed, during which time weaponry on two armored personnel carriers (APCs) became jammed.
"SaharaReporters was told that the helicopter which crashed today a few minutes after take off from Yola was carrying reinforcements. 
"Militants then swarmed troops, killing several of them and conquering Maiha LGA.
"Many soldiers were also killed in nearby Maraba, including a Lieutenant Colonel, the source told SaharaReporters.
"Several soldiers remain missing, the source said."

Who then will protect the people if the so called Nigerian Soldiers are defeated?
Suggestion, what should the government do?

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