All travelers who have visited Guinea, Liberia or Sierra Leone will be required to provide home and email addresses, telephone numbers and other contact details for themselves and at least one friend or relative.
Once a day for the next 21 days, they will have to check in with their state or local health departments and report their morning and evening temperatures and list any other symptoms, such as nausea, diarrhea, muscle aches or bleeding. State and local health departments will be required to have plans for finding and potentially detaining anyone who fails to check in.
On arrival at an airport, each of those travelers will receive a packet with a thermometer, a card describing Ebola symptoms and a card to be given to a doctor or nurse if the traveler develops symptoms and is ordered to go to a hospital.
The new restrictions apply to citizens of every country, including the United States. “They include C.D.C. employees, journalists, everyone,” Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, the director of the centers, said in a telephone news conference.
Despite some members of Congress demand complete ban on flight arrivals from the three West African countries, but health officials have argued that was unnecessary and would cripple efforts to stop the disease.
In Washington, President Obama praised the C.D.C.’s plan and said the government “would continue to put in place additional measures as they make sense.”
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