March 2, 2016

Bearded Lady Kaur Stomps The Runway And Sticks It To Her Haters

Harnaam Kaur, who is known for her distinctive beard and her body positivity, opened a show at Royal Fashion Day in the UK last week.

Kaur grew her beard when she was 11 after she developed polycystic ovary syndrome, a hormonal disorder, and it used to be a source of shame for her. After years of self-harming, Kaur began to embrace her beard.

In an Instagram post from the Marianna Harutunian show, Kaur is seen walking the runway in chunky black boots, a navy blue dress, gold chains and her traditional Sikh turban, called a damala. In the caption, Kaur goes on to talk about her long-standing dreams to be a model.

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